William O’Brien

A Toast to William Egan O’Brien on his 13th Birthday

By Linda Hoeschler, June 3, 2021


Dear William:

Oh to be 13 again! Living in, but still leaving childhood, while you acquire the knowledge and skills to become an adult, making this a better family, better community, better world.

William—you have all the foundation you need, even though you may feel afraid at times, unsure of yourself.

So what is your foundation?

First, you were born into a loving, cohesive family, people who were thrilled that you came to join John Ignatius and share the pedestal with him.

Second, you came to heal your maternal grandparents, who 3 years before to the day, to the hour, crashed into a concrete pole in Sweden, had surgery and support in Sweden for 6 weeks, then came home to be healed further by family and friends.

You were due to be born in May, but you decided to wait until you could make us joyful on June 3, not sad.

William, by your very birth you turned June 3 from a day to get through without tears, to a day to celebrate the arrival of our favorite redhead in the whole world. Thank you, thank you!!

William, you have accomplished so much since you were born. You are, first of all, one of the kindest, most thoughtful human beings I have ever met. When you ask us how we are, it is not just being polite, it is a truthful inquiry, demanding we give you a considered answer. This quality also makes you a good son, brother and friend.

Next, you are a serious student. You don’t waste your time with silly games (well, not too much!). You pay attention to your teachers, your fellow students, your Papa and others who try to teach you. You pay attention on trips and in museums. Crassly stated, Papa and my investment in you is paying GREAT dividends.

You are a wonderful violinist and musician, dear William. We are so proud of all your hard work and artistry. I know that sometimes it seems tedious and unrewarding, but you are gifted my dear! This skill and talent will give you joy throughout your life, I promise.

William, you are also a great and curious travel companion. No matter what Jack O’B jokes, you are totally clubbable! I am so proud to introduce you to anyone and everyone. You are unfailingly polite and attuned to others.

We are SO relieved we are all vaccinated and can travel together again. Egypt for Christmas…or spring break? Spain and Portugal by train? Sweden by sailboat? Give us your ideas and we’ll plan another great getaway!

We are also excited, dear William, to be alone with you when Jack goes off to college—4 years when Papa can discuss history with you, and when we can have you to ourselves. We will miss Jack, but you will grow during these 4 years in ways you can’t even dream of now.

You have already started to define your own path, away from Jack’s, by signing up for baseball and basketball. You did this on your own, to our great surprise and joy. Keep doing this—not to ignore Jack who sets many extraordinary examples, but to figure out what makes William William, and how can he be a better, happier, more productive human being!

In conclusion (because this is going on!), William, we toast you and your life past, today, and future! You came to heal Papa and me, which you have accomplished with tenderness and persistence. You are a non pareil member of an extraordinary family and we would, and will, do anything we can to make your life better. Promise.

To William Egan O’Brien!  We toast and celebrate you today and forever! 

With love,
