Tales for Grandsons
Papa Jack’s Tales:
Childhood through 8th Grade
1. Alone
Home Alone: the Original Story!
Alone in the Arizona Desert
2. Hobbies
Boy Scouts
Easter Chicks and Other Pets
The Day the Goats Went to School
My Skunk at Viterbo
3. Family
My Godparents and Uncle Frank
My Grandparents
Willie Bowe Had a Farm: Animal Mazes; Getting There; Description; Threshing
Boating Adventures on the Mississippi
Wheels Around La Crosse
Learning to Skate in La Crosse
Learning to Ski: La Crosse, Aspen, Europe
High School through Early Marriage
5. School Days
High School
Georgetown College
Law School
Honeymoon Hijinks!
Hitchhiking Out West (and Back)
Working for the Family
Arts and Culture in La Crosse
Professional Fishing in La Crosse
More Trees in La Crosse
Household Help in La Crosse
Jay is Missing
The Worldly Philosophers: An Essay to a Grandson on Economics
My Father Jake
Remembrances of Fred Pederson
Diamond’s Funeral
Jake’s Funeral
Ruth Gundersen Memorial Remarks
Uncle Bob: He Was a Dandy
Nonna Linda’s Tales:
The Magic Kingdom of Gracemere
The Church, Holy Mary and Me
In Our Easter Bonnets
My Childhood Pets
Traveling to Iowa
Summer Adventures on the Farm
Summer Life in a Small Iowa Town
The Early Days of Television
How I Came to Love the Arts
Christmas Memories
The Gifts of Time and Interest
More Nonna’s Stories:
Summer Jobs
Going Green
Ready Cash