Book 9: 1985
Stephen Lovas Jr and Sonya Sharp wed February 1985. LLH travels on business (NCS) to Florida and visits Steve Lovas and friend, Betty in Largo.
April 7, 1985: Easter Sunday where Janice and her daughters make their usual weekend visit to our house. We're all dressed for church before other Hoeschlers arrive for an egg hunt.
Post-church Easter egg hunt at 1630 Edgcumbe with young Hoeschler nieces.
Easter egg hunt shots in left column; Janice and Nana at the Ritz in Naples; Frank Kennedy and forsythia.
A musicale to celebrate Manny Elson's 80th birthday April 15! Marie Janisch (top left), Manny with Helen Miller; Philip Brunelle and Ann Buran; Fred and Gloria Sewell bring balloons to the birthday boy; the audience for a musical tribute to Manny.
Deco did its usual great catering the dinner; Patty and Steve Paulus (framed first pages of our first music commission by Steve). Below: gathering of some of my NCS direct reports at our home.
April 27, 1985 gathering of Hoeschlers (including Uncle Bob from SF, CA area) in our budding Spring yard. Jake and Tori in the tree house.
Heather and Fritz; family and Spring flowers.
More Spring views of our yard; gathering in La Crosse for Mothers Day.
Scouting awards for Boy Scouts; Fritz turns 14 on May 24!
I do weeding/planting at the Mordy home--LLH just LOVES gardening! June 22: LLH has septoplasty, so Jack takes Kristen to the 1985 Symphony Ball.
Manny Elson and the kids in our yard. Aunt Helen and Deborah DeWalt (daughter in law) visit us.
Garden flowers...
Kurt Schroeder bikes by...and more garden flowers.
A summer weekend in La Crosse area, mostly spent on the Mississippi. Janice with Meagan and Katie Hoeschler. Jack does some fancy waterskiing.
More waterskiing...
Fritz is also a good waterskier; we visit Paula Ripple, Jack's teacher and advisor since high school. She was head of the Franciscan order of nuns in LaX but left and married a physician, Don Comin.
Jack and I celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary on 8/27 with dinner with the Ranheims (David's birthday is the next day) ; Manny and Joe Torntore, our greengrocer on wheels--great guy!
Manny and his sister, Ruth Waller, visit from Chicago. We all enjoy dinner at the Stillwater Inn.
We celebrate Jake and Janet's 45th wedding anniversary with a lovely dinner dance at the La Crosse Country Club. We gather first at the cottage in Dresbach, MN for family photos by the "great Leonard."
This was to be the final big anniversary celebration of Jake and Janet because he died in 1989.
Jake plays in the band for his party, per usual. The following day we all have brunch at the Radisson Hotel.
Afternoon boat ride. Jake and Janet ski in Europe. Lower line: Laura and John Doyle and family.
Hildur Lovas comes to visit from Colorado Springs.
Fall flowers and Kristen.
Sep 1985: The Lark String Quartet comes to town to perform and LLH takes some publicity shots at our home. Kristen is leaving for a semester in Peru and gets a face bite by a neighbor's pit bull the night before, adding to the stress and chaos!
Fritz with Joe Torntore.
Photos of Frank and Eunie Butlers' Gem Lake cabin which we hope to buy...and do!
Brilliant fall flowers--Fritz has a broken arm.
Fred and Gloria Sewell pay a house visit.
Fritz dresses as a hunter for Halloween 1985!
Jack and I purchase the First Bank Building in St Paul (with a partner, sigh) and it's a good deal for all. We visit Bussens' cabin in Lutsen the first weekend in November.
North Shore scenes.
Beautiful Lake Superior!
Gorgeous weekend.
Dressed for the Dodge Nature Center benefit dinner/dance. On November 24 we belatedly celebrate first cousins birthdays: Royce Nelligan's 31st (LLH is his casual godmother!) and his sister Claire's 30th at Edgcumbe.
Dinner at the Doyles' in Worthington, MN. Bedecking Edgcumbe for Christmas.
Kristen returns from a great semester in Peru (mostly in Ollantaytambo)--we are so glad to have her back! Mentally she remains in Peru for the first few weeks, wearing light clothing and sitting on the floor with her backstrap loom!
Our Christmas card that year and our creche we had purchase the prior spring in Cusco.
We throw a surprise 45th birthday party for Judy Ranheim (Dec 16) with a home concert, singalong (LLH wrote lyrics for songs marking her various milestones.) Scandinavian feast by Deco Catering!
Our Hoeschler and Ranheim kids also play their instruments with Henry Charles Smith (professional trombonist and conductor) with Jim Preus on bassoon.
Christmas gatherings with the Hoeschlers and Mordys.
At home and a visit across the road to the Mordys'.
Christmas Eve party at Ranheims'.
Family concert at Ranheims' with Judy's lovely traditional Norwegian meal after...
Christmas-time party with music making at the always generous Mordys' (1624 Edgcumbe--across the road from us).
Wendell Mordy has been a great friend and mentor to Fritz; Brooke Mordy is her usual great hostess!
Ruth Mordy with Joseph Friedlander and their first-born, Hannah. This year Sewells host our joint New Year's Eve concert and dinner--Manny joins us.
More holiday shots: Jack gives a tooth-brush toast to his great Uncle Frank, a dentist (Frank's New Year's advert cards decorate); Katie and Lizzie Hoeschler belt out holiday greetings! Kristen with Manny and Jack.