Book 28: 2007
Thanksgiving 2006 in Texas, Nov 20-25. LBJ Ranch in lovely Hill Country. Cemetery where LBJ is buried and his lovely ranch house.
LBJ impressive farm operation. LBJ church, on occasion. San Antonio, Wed.-Sat.
Nov 23: Julia H. Hoeschler & her mother, Aleta Hoodless join us in San Antonio. We pose with Fritz & Julia. (FRH studying at Randolph AF Base nearby.) Canal ride. Guenther House in San Antonio for breakfast (quite the Xmas gingerbread house!)
2006: Christmas card photo. Selecting a Xmas tree at the St Paul Farmers' Market. Dec 3: Celebrating Hildur Lovas' 92nd birthday 1 week early since SEL Jr. came in from NY. Jack tries to blow out relighting candles. The 2 Jacks work on a post-dinner plumbing problem.
Dec 9: TOB, KBH, LLH and JGH dressed for the St Paul Assembly Ball. JO'B is generally the center of our Xmas!
Jack at Hannukah show at JCC (where he is in nursery school). Christmas Eve at Ranheims. Christmas Day at our Edgcumbe home.
New Year's Day, 2007: we get our first real snow.
Feb. 4: Opera singers from Bemidji State serenade Jack on his 65th. We applaud Fulton Gallagher for his work coaching and developing these singers from northern Minnesota. First they rehearse, then don their duds and wow the crowd!
Some scenes from this Valentine's and Birthday celebration--so joyful!
Party pix. Feb 3: Jack O'Brien's first haircut. Off to Naples, FL: Feb 9 cocktails at Huegs'. Bill Hueg; Judy Ranheim and Hella Hueg.
Back home with our guy. Turkeys in the snow and a new coyote. March:Jack O'Brien's 2nd birthday party. With 2nd cousin Nolan O'Brien. Laura Doyle, Hildur Lovas and Joan O'Brien. Terry, Peter Butler and Jennifer O'Brien.
Kristen brings in the cake. The birthday guests include Judy and David Ranheim, but of course!
Sophie and Annika Kendall bracket Jack O'Brien. Jack sports the first of many braces, casts etc..Apr 15: Bo Beckman, a key night nurse in Kung Alv, Sweden, visits us. We drive to Waconia, MN to tour the Anders Petterson farm with the Ranheims. (Petterson hailed from near Bo's vacation home in Småland; his diaries informed farming info in "The Emigrants.")
May 15: Jack's first fishing at cabin; success!
May 19: Jack at cabin beach... and Children's Museum in St Paul.
Memorial Day Weekend in Raleigh-Durham, NC visiting Steve and Aidan Doyle with Kristen and Fritz. "Kids" at Duke Chapel. Raleigh: Governor's Mansion. Nasher Art Museum on Duke campus.
Bennett's Farm: Johnston surrenders to Sherman. Alexander McMillan (JGH Great grandfather) was here, having served in Sherman's NC campaign. Steve Doyle & son, Aidan.
Aidan Doyle...and with Fritz.
At Sarah Duke's garden: JGH and LLH; JGH and FRH.
May 31: Back at the cabin, a mother snapper lays eggs in cabin driveway. Mid-June with Jack O'B.
We head to Scandia and Lindstrom, MN to celebrate some Swedish heritage. "Linnaeus" at Gammelgården, Jun 16, where we celebrate Midsommar.; we tour this delightful heritage site with its director. JGH and LLH meet with Vi Norelius whose deceased husband, Ted, was the Lindstrom newspaper editor; they housed Wilhelm Moberg when he was researching information to construct his famous "Emigrants" quartet. 1972 photo of Vi with husband Ted & Wilhelm Moberg . Marine on St. Croix eagles. Papa & Jack make a frog hat for the Gammelgården Midsommar's dance.
Midsommar's Dag at Gammelgarden, June 23, 2007.
Laura Doyle joins us at Gammelgården. July 2 bluebird walk at Gem Lake.
Ap 29: Brunch with MN Orch types. Aaron Kernis, Beth Cowart, JGH, Laura Endres. Bill Bolcom & Aaron Kernis. At Orchestra Hall and planning the Composers' Institute, a joint project of the Forum and the Orchestra, headed by Aaron.
July 4th picnic at cabin. Judy Ranheim, Nick Nash, Luther Ranheim. Hildur Lovas & Laura Doyle. Kate Doyle.
Nolan Wagner & Jack O'Brien, 2nd cousins. Cousins Nancy O'Brien Wagner & Terry. July 5th, Beth Cowart & Laura Nichols-Endres.
July 7th Jack & Papa are hard workers. July 17: LLH 63rd birthday party, 2 days early. Bianca & Heather Withers & Meagan Hoeschler,.
July 20th, Logrolling in Stillwater. Lizzie Hoeschler & Jack. Papa shows Jack O'B Jay Hoeschler's new boat.
Lizzie and William Hoeschler compete at the Stillwater Log Boom. David Slawson & JGH in the machiai. Bob & Parki Hoeschler with Jack O'Brien at the cabin. We take great grandmother Hildur Lovas & Jack O'Brien to Osceola, WI to ride a slow, historic train.
Jack loves to help Papa, especially when he has the right equipment. Jul 31: Belated LLH birthday party with Hunters and Huegs.
Friday dinner with Jack O'Brien & Ranheims at the Dock Cafe. in Stillwater. Jack with the bridge-lift man. Jack and his new T-Ball set.
Steve, Sonja & Tyler Lovas visit, August 9-12. Boat ride on Minnetonka with Bette Hammel.
We visit the wonderful potter, Warren McKenzie, in Wisconsin. Aug. 15-20, Porters visit from Cambridge, MA. Mississippi boat ride our of Lake City. Pepin, WI for lunch. Aug 17: Ann & LLH go to St. John's and meet with Eric Hollas.
Ann at MIA where friend's Scandinavian bowl is on exhibit. Aug. 19: Leaetta Hough hosts dinner for St John's Italy trip group (plus KBH and TOB).
Aug. 24-26, Geneseo, IL. Aug. 25: images of well-preserved Bishop Hill.
Jamie Long (host), Donna Nelson Buechler (a distant cousin), LLH, Chris Love. Great Saturday night dinner at distant cousins farm, the Asplunds. Sue & Jamie Long.
Kissing cousins: Jamie Long and LLH in Geneseo, IL. Labor Day at cabin: Meagan Hoeschler and Jack O'Brien; Thelma Hunter and Laura Doyle.
35W bridge collapse: Aug. 3, 2007. August 22: Minnesota Commissioning Club. Aug 12: Laura Sewell & Peter Freeman marry on Cedar Lake, Minneapolis, at Fred and Gloria Sewell's beautiful home.
Aug 24: We stop at the extensive and exquisite Anderson Japanese Garden in Rockford, IL before driving down the Rock River to Geneseo, IL. Jack O'Brien & his homemade guitar. Aug 22: at the fine arts printer in Minneapolis with Donald Jackson, calligrapher of the St John's Bible; he is proofing pages of the high-end print version of the Bible .
Sept 15: We attend the annual Yale-Georgetown game, this year in DC, with Ann and Frank Porter. The next day we go to Frank's old Marine training grounds, Quantico. Kristen and Jack work out at Edgcumbe.
Sep 20-23: Missoula, MT for a Northwest Area Foundation meeting. 9/21: Riverfront tour with Daniel Kemmis (chair and prominent Montana resident). 9/22: Farmer's Market. U of Montanta football game, a real one (cf to Georgetown-Yale game)!
St Ignatius Mission in Montana.
Sep 30: Min Lee (doctor neighbor at Gem Lake) & KBH celebrate birthday. Oct 5: Jack with composer Michael Gatonska in Hartford, CT. 45th Sleepy Hollow High School reunion at Kay Carroll's home in Litchfield, CT. Butch Shrader, LLH, & Joe Capozza. LLH with Susan Soloway.
From Litchfield we drive to Rhode Island to visit the Morses. At the beach with Cecily Morse & Goldmans (from LA). We visit the birthplace of Gilbert Stuart, in RI. Oct 25: Jack O'Brien in our Japanese garden.
Oct 28: Lake Elmo Fun Run. Nov 18: Bemidji State performers stop by with mentor Fulton Gallagher and well impress us!
Nov 22: Thanksgiving Day train trip to Chicago with our favorite young man, Jack O'Brien. Post bath at the delightful Standard Club, Nov. 23: Aquarium by day and street music that evening.
Nov 24: the marvelous Field Museum. Kristen and Terry join us (after Terry Sr's funeral) and we all enjoy this magnificent city. Millennium Park and the "Bean."
Chicago Art Institute on Nov 25 where Jack bonds with Seurat and Picasso. Flight home. Dec. 8: we meet Naya, Ranheim's grand-niece.
Nov 29: Hildur Wederquist Lovas dies at Presbyterian Homes in Arden Hills. Dec 3: nice service at Pres Homes, followed by salmon dinner at Edgcumbe. Dec 4: Hildur interred at Fort Snelling Cemetery.
Dart Transit Christmas party on Dec 5 with terrific Santa whom our grandsons bond with over the years (a natural beard!). Jack and Buddy. JGH and LLH dressed for Assembly Ball. Terry's 41st birthday celebration.
Xmas eve at the Ranheims: Judy and Luther; Jack, Judy and David; David removes cork; Bjorn and Luther flank their first cousin, Nicki. Christmas Day: Mary Doyle; LLH and Maureen Hoeschler.
Christmas Day dinner at Kristen and Terry's home at 1672 Pinehurst. Verna (friend of Hildur at Pres Homes) and Wilfried and Kafui Voumadi join us, plus Jake, Maureen and Tori.