Book 23: 1999-2000
May 1999: Kids come home for Mother's Day weekend. Festive lunch at River's Edge in WI; lower rt: KBH, FRH and Mary Doyle.
More Mothers Day photos at the cabin. Duck eggs nest under Russian Cypress by front cabin door! Julia not so sure about LLH's enthusiasm for checking out baby birds.
Mid-left: Pierce and Joyce Butler join us at the cabin for brunch. Bjorn Ranheim and his family join us for the annual Bjorn-Fritz Memorial Day birthday party. Luther, Kristen, and Bjorn.
Mary Ann Feldman and Jack: mid rt. Annual snapper turtle egg laying.
At MnOrch reception honoring Mary Ann Feldman, genius program annotator and lecturer. Fritz studies maps for his work as a navigator. With Paul & Lynn Schoenfield at Opera Theater St. Louis where Paul has his operatic debut. Loon on Gem Lake.
Tyler Lovas visits us from Oregon for several weeks. On July 4 weekend we take him to La Crosse & Norskedalen. Nana is doing reasonably well, with a lot of PT and home help. Her memory loss is a benefit in this case...
Jul 11: Chapter/board dinner at Louis and Susie Hills' home on White Bear Lake. Susie and Caitlin Hill.
LLH birthday trip to see mother, Hildur Lovas, in Iowa. We drive across the Missouri River to LIncoln, NE and the U of Neb: great sculpture & gardens.
Too much: Lincoln sunken garden. Jul 18: We visit the Wederquists in Malvern Cemetery, and WW Reeves' marker in Lacy Grove Cemetery.
Randolph Cemetery: marker for 2nd wife of Louis Focht. Hunter School. Cousin Bonnie Wilson's garden. Jul 19: Acord Cemetery, another Reeves' tombstone, found courtesy of Charlie Polk.
Cake with mother. Flowers from Fritz & Julie. ACF staff retreat at the cabin with the fabulous Bill Cleveland. Hildur visits Dad's marker in Ft. Snelling cemetery. LLH rings in her 55th birthday with the traditional Hueg-Hunter-Hoeschler dinner and overnight at the Gem Lake cabin.
Annual (slightly belated) birthday celebration with Hunters & Huegs. Kate Doyle farewell--she's off to Japan. Afternoon of 2 fauns.
7/30 Aunt Jewell Skinner arrives from Atlanta for a visit: she is as lovely as she is confused. 7/31 - 8/3: Jack and LLH visit the Sundance Composer Institute founded by Robert Redford. Terry Blanchard & Robin Burgess, Chris Carter & Patrick.
BWCA canoeing vacation, 8/7-15 with Alan & Cecily Morse. 8/7-8: Two Harbors Lighthouse with hugely impressive ore docks in background. 8/8 stop in Naniboujou Lodge for lunch: a "psychedelic" main hall we first discovered in 1969 (and are quite fond of!).
Bearskin Lodge view from deck. Clearwater Lodge outfitters. Becca and Frank Steinfeld (Morse daughter and son in law) decide not to canoe, so Cecily and LLH scramble to find clothing for this unplanned adventure (we were originally going to babysit their grandson, Jacob.). Tuesday 8/10-12 A BWCA camp canoe adventure. Clearwater Lake.
Views of Little Gunflint Lake. 8/13: Gunflint Lake tour. Island retreat on way to Magnetic River. Mid rt: Rebecca, Jacob and Frank Steinfeld.
Hiking around the area.
Four loons. Final night ride on E. Bearskin Lake with loons. Gooseberry Falls stop on the way home. Cecily reading to Jacob at the cabin.
Lower row: Janet, Jack, Linda and Jewell Skinner (Janet's sister).
Aug 21: Party in LaX for Kate Hoeschler. Liz, Kate & friend. Jack & Jewell Skinner. Maureen, Jake H. & Judith Kuipers (Pres of LaX U). Friends & Meagan.
Jay lauds a bored Katie! Schaller tombstones in Brownsville, MN (where Hoeschlers first settled and farmed; oldest emigrant Hoeschler daughter married a Schaller)
Marvelous hawks on roadside near Houston, MN.
Trip to Dodge County, WI early Sept. Janet Bowe Hoeschler cousins: Arnold Zieske and Malcolm McMillan. Catholic church where Bowes and Derivans married. Jack and Kristen at the Bowe grave marker across the road from the Bowe farm.
At Nana & Jewell's Bowe home in Fox Lake. KBH, Janet, Jewll, Jack and Janice at Bowe marker. Brad Beisel and Louis Hill at cabin. KBH & painter Jim Dimmers (with painting of O'Brien state park that hangs in her living room).
Sep 30: Fritz is winged in Pensacola. With Hoodless family and Kristen.
KBH, Thad and Heather.
Updated guest bedroom and "girls cave" downstairs.
Lower rt: LLH, JGH with Clara Ueland and Walt McCarthy at Elinor Bell's "Welcome 2000" New Year's Eve party--a grand affair.
Thanksgiving at Edgcumbe: obviously a large crowd with a buffet and seating downstairs! Continental Harmony reception with Pat Shifferd...but where?! Sun Valley ski vacation with the Hills. KBH skis in Sun Valley & Central Park.
New Year's Day with Larry Siegel & his family: dancing at Edgcumbe!
Mar 31-Apr 3: A visit to NC to attend an opera and see Fritz & Julie. Fritz & Julie's house in Goldsboro, NC (a depressing town and Air Force base). Duke U tower and its gardens offers respite.
Easter April 23: the usual family gathering for dinner. Sam and Thelma Hunter and Jack "rest" on the rocks in our Japanese "Lake Superior." Rt column: Maureen, Judy and Jake Hoeschler; Claire, Roger and Mary Doyle; Katie, Lizzie, Meagan Tori, Abby and William Hoeschler; John and Vince Doyle to the left.
Easter through the ages, 1969-99. Charlie Boone & Jack canoe Gem Lake.
Stephen Lovas Jr & family visit over Memorial Day. Jack and Steve; Zack, Jack and Tyler; Zack, Sonja, Steve and Tyler. Crystal and Sterling.
Jack and Linda dressed to go to Macalaster College where Stephen Paulus receives an honorary degree. Cabin scenes with snapping turtle show.
Father's Day June 18: Jack and his Winkers. Family tennis: Jack, Heather, Thad and Kristen; Abby Hoeschler; LLH, Abby and JGH; Kristen and Heather.
Off to Missouri for a Continental Harmony premiere of the Bushy Wushy Rag on July 4. First, Jack and LLH visit St. Charles, MO. Fair St. Louis and the substantial premiere crowd.
Philip Bimstein, composer, & Ed Robins, PBS producer, of Continental Harmony special. "Bushy Wushy" with the Equinox Chamber Players.
July 15: St Croix River boat ride with Elaine Aiple & her family on her boat. View of steamboat out of Stillwater. Laura & Aleta Hoodless. Heather and John; Laura & John Doyle.
Charles & Aleta Hoodless come to visit us from Pensacola; Heather Hoeschler stays with us much of the summer. Sisters Janet and Jewell.
July 18: Ringtown, PA. Old White Church "Union" where Linda's Focht ancestors worshipped.
Early Fochts buried here, Schuylkill County, N of Harrisburg. Coal mine has been burning for 20 years. Heidelberg Union Church, earliest Focht immigrants worshipped here, near Allentown.
Jordan Union where Adam Focht was baptised here. Zion's Reformed church, Adam's older sister, Mary Magdalena Focht associated there.
Focht children baptised here: Jerusalem Western Salisbury church in Lehigh county, PA.
Aug 2: dinner at Houghs. Marv, Leaetta, JGH, LLH, Meagan and Heather.