Book 22: 1998-99
Apr 26: With Aaron Kernis, Pulitzer Prize winner, at Lark Quartet concert in St Anthony Park, MN. Apr 20: Devta Doolan, visiting master jeweler comes to town for the American Crafts Council show in St Paul; we invite friends over to consider purchasing some of his artistic output. East exterior wall of Edgcumbe is graced by a mighty magnolia. May 3: We move to the cabin; it's a glorious spring, perhaps the best ever.
May 3: Bill Banfield & Patrice Rushen, Composers Bill Banfield and Pamela Z (?) visit us at the cabin; they inspect an unusual winter-hatched turtle, now set free! May 10: Mother's Day when Julia Hoodless, Fritz' fiance from Pensacola, FL visits us to great acclaim. Brunch with Vince and Mary Doyle, Laura and John Doyle.
May 18: KBH graduates from Columbia University in NYC with her MBA. We are VERY proud! Bottom right: Ann Hunter, JGH, Thelma Hunter and Janice.
Kristen and Bob Feeney: beau from Columbia Business School. We all go to LaX for Memorial weekend.
Party at the Dresbach, MN cottage; JGH and Louis Hill. Jul 12: LLH with Jean Harris, Eden Prairie mayor and Forum Board member. KBH, SPA classmate Heather McCurdy and I go to the Guthrie. Kristen in her NYC "kitchen" a former closet! Jul 18: Columbia MBA friends stop in.
Jul 19: LLH is 54! The traditional cabin birthday dinner and overnight with Huegs, Hunters & now Ranheims.
Aug 3: Longtime friends, Alan & Cecily Morse, Brookline, MA visit us at the cabin. We join them at Madeline Island, WI Aug 6-8 where they are sailing Lake Superior. (Cecily; son in law Frank Steinfield with son, Jacob) Bob Feeney & Kristen prepare a meal at the cabin (ruined a perfectly good steak!). Fritz down Pensacola way.
Aug 23: we host Janice's 50th party. Larry Siegel & friends provide the delightful music. KBH and Maureen Hoeschler; JGH and ?; Janice and ? (Guests were primarily Janice's friends.)
Hoeschler family photo. Mid rt: Tori, Jake & Maureen; bottom rt: Fred Sewell, John Doyle, Gloria Sewell.
Aug 28: Staff retreat at cabin; John Nuechterlein looks dangerous with a croquet mallet! Late summer photos: 1998 boasted a beautiful summer & year.
Cabin light late summer.
Steve and Katie Doyle. Aug 27: 32nd anniversary flowers from Jack. Sep 5: Labor Day weekend in La Crosse: Judy, Jay and Jack; Janice and LLH swim. At Bill and Krystal Banfields' for a party.
Sep 12: The Minnesota Commissioning Club engages Bill Banfield to write a march for the grand opening of the rebuilt Wabasha Street Bridge in St. Paul. Banfield, LLH & Mayor Norm Coleman. (LLH travels to Bulgaria, Romania & Poland with the Delegation: 9/18/98-10/2/98). KBH turns 30 and celebrates in NYC where she is living and working!
Edgcumbe scenes in Fall light. The house always looks fresh when we return home from the cabin.
Oct 13-18: we journey to Pensacola, FL for the marriage of Fritz and Julia. Jack, Fritz and Fritz' superior. On the 16th we take the wedding guests on a delightful Pensacola harbor tour--perfect weather!
Rt top: Vince Doyle & Andy Young (Fritz' AF officer training roommate); KBH and Tyler; Caitlin Hill, Tyler, Zack & Sonja Lovas; Claire Nelligan & Roger Rose at the rehearsal rehearsal dinner at the Pensacola Officers' Club. Deck at our B&B, Marsh House (Fritz found it when we first visited him in P-cola and we stay there each time with Yvonne Marsh.).
Sat Oct 17: Pensacola historic bus tour for the willing guests. Lower rt: JGH, Bill Schwarz (JGH law partner in Chicago), LLH.
Mid Left: Sherm and Barbara Winthrop, LLH and JGH. Lower rt: Vince Doyle and KBH with her Dolly Parton-like hair.
German Höschelers arrive for Fritz' wedding.. At church before wedding. Bjorn Ranheim (who debuts new Paulus piece written for wedding: cello and keyboard) with Meagan Hoeschler. Wolfgang and Annelise, Janice, Meagan, Nana, Jay and Maureen. Claire Nelligan & Laura Doyle.
Wedding ceremony scenes in the Pensacola Methodist church.
More wedding: lovely reception in History Museum in Pensacola. Lower rt: LLH, JGH and Aleta Hoodless.
Great dance band.
Bottom left: JGH dances with Joni Bussen.
Bottom rt: Vince, Mary and John Doyle.
Bottom: Post wedding brunch on Sunday, Oct 18.
More Pensacola scenes.
FRH with his two cats at home; LLH and Myra Barrett; Deanne Becker and her daughters; Rudy Boukal's son with Theresa.
Naples, FL: Heather Hoeschler/Thad Withers wedding ceremony weekend over Thanksgiving (they had legally married 13 months prior). Heather and Janice; Nana takes her family to dinner at the Ritz; Judy H and KBH; Hoeschler cousins; JGH, Meagan and Janice; Maureen, Tori and Jake.
Nov 27 Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary; lovely rehearsal dinner on a boat that evening: hosted by Thad's mother, Joyce Gillespie. Our new and improved (Julia) family; LLH and FRH; Julia, FRH and KBH.
Boat party, cont. Mid left: Nana and Ira Litke, Heather's stepfather. JGH, FRH and KBH.
Nov 28: Wedding ceremony: Janice and Nana, Thad and Heather; Joyce Gillespie and son, Thad; Heather and Barb Litke; cousins at reception.
Hotel reception photos: Janice and JGH; KBH and JGH; tossing the bouquet; Juli and KBH; Julia, Fritz and Nana; Jay and Judy's family.
Last Hoeschler family photo (since Nana breaks her neck in a bike accident in Jan '99 and dies Sep 2004. Dec 6 in St Paul: post concert reception for Aaron Kernis at our home. JGH; spouses Evelyne Luest and Aaron.
Janice and Crystal; Kernis dinner; Katie Doyle gets pinned in the Marines. Christmas Eve at Doyles.
Mid-rt: Christmas Day, 1998: Jake, Mo & Tori join us at Edgcumbe for dinner. (LLH gets pneumonia that night; JGH had it earlier in the month.) Catnip gifts.
Meagan and Nana at Christmas. LLH reads Physicians Desk reference while ill with pneumonia.
Fritz, Julia with feline and human friends in Pensacola. KBH and Bob with Stephen Paulus and his two sons at Lincoln Center.
Jan 16: Jack goes to Fla since Nana broke her neck on the 13th On the 21st he transports Nana back to LaX for treatment at the Gundersen Hospital. Below rt: Nana with Jean Gillis.
Susan Schilperoot with Oliver, Sophie and Annika Kendall. 1/24/99 Jan 24: our annual concert and dinner with the Bemidji State opera singers. Japanese touches in our home.
Feb 7: Vince Doyle takes us out to dinner to celebrate February birthdays of Jack, Laura and Steve Doyle (He includes Janice and Meagan, Jake, Maureen and Tori). We visit Dallas on Feb 13: The Book Depository & car like JFK's; grassy knoll & souvenir hawkers.
Standing near spot where Kennedy was shot at time looking at Book Depository. Winter snow scenes at Edgcumbe.
Early March Naples sunset. Mar 13, Nana comes to the Coulee home from Gundersen Clinic: we celebrate with a family dinner. Being a good athlete and suffering memory loss, Nana is a cheerful patient.
Mar 25: Nana & Elaine go to her beloved Naples, FL for a visit: Naples is where Nana lives in her head until her death. Apr 4: Easter at Edgcumbe: Larry Siegel plays "Fritz & Julia's Waltz", the lovely dance he wrote for their October wedding; Laura & Katie dance; JGH and LLH; JGH, LLH, Laura, Mary, Vince and Katie Doyle.
Fritz with cats; FRH with Aleta and Charles Hoodless; Jon Karl Klietsch; Julia. Maiju from Deco Catering manages another fine party at Edgcumbe.
Spring '99: A delightful visit to Alan and Cecily Morse's RI vacation home.
RI sights; home again with blooming magnolia.
Spring scenes at Edgcumbe.
Odds and ends: Chip and Ceeya Bolman and their girls; Fritz and Julia; Tori; Zach Lovas plays violin; Steve in his office; Sonja Lovas in the kitchen.