Book 21: 1997-98
May 11: Mother's Day dinner with Meagan and Janice. Laura and John have a car accident so don't show: shaken but not seriously injured. Whew! Lovely spring at the cabin.
Japonaising the West garden in 1996 highlights other problem areas of the in May 1997 we tear out the courtyard garden we have done over the years, always recognizing it wasn't quite right but not knowing what to do. (Nothing a finer eye and a finer eye couldn't solve!) David Slawson's more professional and dramatic installation immediately resonates and is "right." Jim Hewitt is a key to getting it done--practical and cheerful despite challenges (like need to knock out front redwood fence to lift the rocks into place!)
May 23+: Nashville weekend: We travel to the lovely wedding of John Seymour and Rachael Saturn. We also tour The Hermitage. Andrew Jackson's home and his wife's tomb.
Dressed for a lovely wedding--lots of delightful parties too (one home had a Picasso in the bathroom!).
Back at the cabin LLH is on bluebird trail while Jack keeps the yard groomed.
Bottom left: Attorney Bernie Friel sets up his photo gear to capture some beautiful bluebird shots. (He does this over several years.)
Cabin looks perfectly lovely...
Nana, Jay and William Hoeschler visit the cabin. Poua Vang--lovely woman who gardens for us and has a vegetable patch in the back field.
Jul 20, Forum Chapter dinner at Fritz and Kate Bergmann's. Jul 21: ACF Annual Meeting at the cabin.
LLH flanked by Harry and Jessica Brull. Good attendance and spirit at the Composers Forum annual meeting.
Oregon: Mother, Helen Marie & Sonja. Darling Tyler and Zach. LLH 53rd birthday celebration with Ranheims and Hunters, Jul 26.
Judy Ranheim and Thelma Hunter play while LLH and Sam dance (as usual!).
Aug 2: La Crosse logrolling and lumberjack festival organized by Judy Hoeschler.
The Hoeschler kids are logrolling naturals. ? gives LLH a temple massage.
We drive downriver to Prairie du Chien and Villa Louis. Janice and LLH: jumpsuit twins. JGH relaxes at the Coulee.
Cabin early that light.
In August we travel to Montgomery, AL to celebrate Fritz' becoming a 2nd lieutenant in the Air Force. Aug 6: award ceremony. Aug 7: formal dinner. Impressive all around...and enlightening about the opportunities the military offers so many, particularly those from poverty.
Aug 8: Jack pins on Fritz' bars. Fritz with Andy Young, his Enlisted-to-officer roommate from Youngstown, OH who coaches Fritz throughout (like don't ask questions; don't volunteer!)
Hildur Lovas joins us for this meaningful transition. We are very proud of Fritz. Post awards parade.
Formality -- next -- they're in! Caps in the air. Fritz & roommate Andy Young.
We visit "Old Alabama Town," a collection of restored 19th- and 20th-century structures reflecting the lives of the people who settled and developed central Alabama.
Top right: Hank Williams grave in Oakwood Cemetery, Montgomery, embellished with musical notes, carvings of his guitar and boots, references to his most popular songs, and a sculpture of his cowboy hat. Vulcan in Birmingham, AL: the world’s largest cast iron statue overlooks Alabama’s largest city from atop Red Mountain. Farewell at airport. Lots of bond businesses in Montgomery.
More Montgomery area sights: Civil Rights memorial and Jasmine Hill Gardens.
Back in MN, we visit the Franconia Sculpture Park on the St. Croix banks.
Aug 22: Dave Werner, KBH friend and Capitol Steps star, visits. Really smart but KBH not interested in more than friendship. Aug 23. Caitlin Hill is baptized at her White Bear Lake home; JGH and LLH are her godparents. Aug 27: our 31st anniversary celebrated with dance (but of course!). KBH cleans up our of doors.
Aug 28: FRH goes to Pensacola, FL and carries KBH to dock's edge.
Typical cabin scenes.
Sep 1-7 '97: Fritz Bergmann and LLH (with KBH on break) travel to San Francisco to meet with our chapter and its funders. Pier 37 sea lions. Sep 8, Minnesota Commissioning Club members meet at the cabin: Charlie Boone, Carol Heen and Karen Lundholm. Sep 12: A visit to New York Mills, MN for the Jerome Foundation; Sage Cowles (Board) with Cindy Gehrig (ED). Town famous for "The Great American Think-Off," a philosophy contest. Impressive!
Boston, mid-Sep: Forum Chapter meeting on the 20th: LLH, Beth Denisch, Fritz Bergmann, ?. KBH with Jack at Elizabeth Imm's wedding in Gloucester. Newburyport, MA water tower. Sep 27: Chicago chapter meeting. LLH, Susie Hill and ? (a band guy?!)
We go to LaX for Nana's Oct 3 '97 inauguration of the Hoeschler Bell Tower at the UWL. With Judith Kuipers, UWL President; Nana gives a love speech.
LLH and JGH dance (but of course) at Elizabeth Imm's Sep wedding in MA. Oct 4 boat ride for the Hoeschler Bell Tower inauguration. Nana, Gloria Sewell and Thelma Hunter. Maureen and Jake. Fred Sewell and Jack. Meagan, Heather and Janice.
October blaze of colors at Gem Lake.
9/28-29: Chicago. Bill & Krystal Banfield come for brunch at the cabin. Oct 9, '97: Rear ended in Philadelphia (LLH behind driver Tina Davidson when absentminded driver plows into us; LLH fractures neck)
11/1/97: Monterrey, Mexico where LLH and JGH spend a wonderful day as part of Grantmakers in the Arts conference in San Antonio, TX.
JGH and sites around Monterrey: Day of the Dead tableau. Dramatic architecture.
Lovely San Antonio, 10/30/97 - 11/3/97. Jack escorts Meagan to father-daughter dance at Visitation School. KBH at Hallowe'en as a snorkler with shower curtain fish motif! Janet visits us for James Sewell Ballet performance. Dinner at the cabin; Gloria Sewell, Nana, Janice, LLH and Maureen Hoeschler.
Thanksgiving, 1997: we dine at Jim & Maureen Hoeschler's. Dec 6: Jon Deak's "Passion of Scrooge" premieres at the Hirshhorn Museum, D.C.; 20th Century Consort performs with William Sharp; dedicated to Don and Inge Cadle. Post-concert dinner at The GeorgeTown Club on Wisconsin Ave. with welcoming a capella holiday songs by GU's Chimes. Janet Blyberg, KBH and LLH middle right.
Jim and Marjorie Billington, KBH and Tom Billington; Inge Cadle (top right in blue); Jane Pisano, Rachael and Bob Remuzzi, Dean Conley; ? with Jon Deak; Stephanie and Dean Conley, Raphael Cung, Peter and Janet Blyberg; Marjorie Billington, Caron Cadle and Carol Blyberg.
Marc O'Brien, Jim and Janet Mietus, Kyra and Peter McGrath. Cadle friends, including Billingtons; JGH; Suzanne and Tiger Sergeant flank Kyra and Peter McGrath; Mark Pisano and Tiger; LLH, Carol, Janet and Peter Blyberg.
Dec 20: St Paul Assembly ball--Biceps! Dec 24: Louie and Susie Hill's begin our Christmas Eve. Later, onto the Doyle's. KBH, Tori and Maureen Hoeschler; Jake and Jack; LLH, JGH, KBH and Hildur: John, Laura and Kate Doyle with Hildur Lovas.
12/25/97: Christmas Day dinner in Sun Valley with the Hills (Jon Bon Jovi at next table - great service!!). Kristen's cooking interests surface! Bob's miracle. Not good downhill, so cross-country wins: JGH and LLH; FRH and KBH.
Delightful time with the family and the Hills.
1/3/98: Dressed pretty well for Art and Martha Kaemmer's party. Jan 25 we host the marvelous Bemidji State U. singers at Edgcumbe.
Florida, 1/31 to 2/14, 1998: We go to Pensacola where Fritz is stationed; his cousin Heather Hoeschler and fiance Thad Withers (Navy) also live there. LLH on beautiful Pensacola Beach; JGH; FRH and LLH; FRH and JGH; breaking bread together; Fritz, Heather, Thad and Jack.
JGH and Nana; Ft Pickens in Pensacola; LLH in Miami Beach. Home again.
Clearly out West, but where?
3/1/98: Premiere of Steve Heitzeg's 'Three Graces for Hildur' Tom Linker, pianist. LLH, LLD and Hildur; Tom; Maureen Hoeschler; Jake Hoeschler. Festive dinner follows the concert.
Continuation of dinner in honor of Hildur Lovas.
Remodeled digs. Mar 8: Louis Hill's Investment club meets at Edgcumbe. Mar 29: Caitlin Hill is 10.
Apr 12: Dressing the house for Easter.
Easter through the years display:1968-97. Meagan and Janice Hoeschler join us for church and dinner.