Book 12: 1988-89
Washburn apartments (developed by Jay Hoeschler) grand opening in La Crosse on July 7, 1988. Irma Fornasiero visits from Florence IT. Wonderful boat ride on the Mississippi.
We show Irma around LaX and gather at the Coulee with Jake and Janet.
Grand opening of Washburn Apartments: Jake plays with the band. Heise family from Winona visits the cottage the next day.
LLH is 44. We celebrate at the cabin and at Ranheims where Kristen plays flute with Judy. Jake and Janet in France on Concord around the world trip.
"So much for $1000 & the promise of liberalism," comments Jack re Dukakis fundraiser. Manny after a long day of watering. Katie Doyle.
Cabin looks good although the drought is painful.
More cabin photos...
Rabid woodchuck...concerned re cat.
Logrolling in LaX at Lumberjack Days.
LLH picks up Fritz from Camp Widjiwagan to drive to LaX for a Hoeschler party (Wedding anniversary or Jake's 75th birthday). Alas, Fritz allowed campmates to cut his hair with nail scissors--it seemed like a good idea at the time. Crazy car spotted en route La Crosse. Semper fidelis? Fritz gave a cute toast making fun of his misjudgement.
Little cousins put on a cute drama re the story of Jake (and Janet). Harry & Signe Schroeder in LaX. Janice and Heather at the cabin.
We drive Kristen to NYC for her sophomore year at Barnard. Lake Michigan ferry and a lovely drive through upstate NY.
From NYC we drive up the coast to visit Alan and Cecily Morse in their just-built vacation home in Pt Judith, RI.
We visit Schoenfelds in Cleveland for Rosh Hashanah (we are the Shabbas Goys!) Cousin Ann Wederquist swings on her visit from Colorado. We build a Japanese-style front courtyard garden (but in 1994 bring in a pro, David Slawson). Zach and Tyler Lovas.
LLH flies to Portland, OR to care for Zach Lovas since Sonja has just had Tyler--only 15 months apart! I get to visit the delightful Japanese Garden there.
Linda's weeping spruce (Bruce Sprucesteen) dressed for Hallowe'en.
Beautiful October '88 days at the cabin.
LLH takes Heather Hoeschler to tour some Boston area colleges; Nana joins us. We all meet up in NYC for the premiere of a Stephen Paulus work written for MnOrch violist, Cynthia Phelps, Alice Tully Hall. JGH and LLH underwrote the commission and hosted the post-concert dinner. (Bruce Carlson of Schubert Club suggested this commission.)
Jack brings in rocks and cabin sculpture for our garden attempt (replaced in 1997) "Moving stones to get the proper Zen perspective!" is JGH comment.
LLH travels to London in November '88 for coursework as an International Business Fellow. Saturday, Nov 12 is the colorful Lord Mayor of London's Parade.
Walking tour of London followed by a visit to Kew Gardens.
Diane Arnold at Kew, a magnificent creation.
Some of our lectures are at Chartwell, Kent, former home of Winston Churchill.
11/18: Farewell cocktail party and dinner at Chartwell. I stay in London a few extra days, then fly to NYC and on to Princeton to join Jack and the kids at Cadles' for Thanksgiving. Steve Lovas and Zach; Jack and Linda being dramatic at a dance!
Christmas 1988: We celebrate Xmas eve at Jay and Judy Hoeschler home. Jake and Fritz. With George and Jeanne Baldy family, kid's piano teacher. 1/22/89: ice skating at Gem Lake.
Mary Ann Feldman and Leaetta Hough join in the Gem Lake skating and kicksled. Jan29: Winter Carnival ice and snow sculptures downtown St Paul. John Snidarich & Jack teach Bie Vang to skate.
John & Lee Mannillo are loyal skating guests at the cabin. JGH is a graceful skater, although he subtitled his photos: "Dick Button as Paul Bunyan."
Mannillos; Janice, Meagan and Heather. LLH loved skating with Jack, although she never mastered her edges! Jack waters the rink surface.
Our newly Japonaised bedroom at Edgcumbe; Valentine's decoration; beautiful cats inside and out.
3/5/89: A great snowfall and nice sun for some good X-country skiing at the cabin.
Fritz and LLH drive to Malvern, IA to visit Hildur Lovas, who poses with her cousins: George and Charlotte Mort, Hildur, Fritz and Ralph Wederquist. Heather in a St Paul beauty contest with Fritz as her escort.
4/8/89: JGH, Bie Vang, and Charlie again rearrange the courtyard garden.
Jim Hanna and Dan McEvily, rowing buddies of JGH at Georgetown, now help run the Dad Vail Regatta, May 12, 1989. JV women's heats.
Kristen and her Columbia JV crew, silver medal winners! Also the 25th anniversary of the GU crew DV gold medal, so there is a row-by and celebratory dinner. Jack, Tiger Sergeant, Rick Reynolds, Peter Blyberg, Fred King and Mark Pisano.
"Hard to find the handles in the new boats" comments JGH. Marc O'Brien; Peter Blyberg.
Muffin & Linc Hoffman & son. Lineup: O'Brien, Sergeant, Blyberg, Hoeschler, Reynolds, Remuzzi, Angelini, McGrath, Hoffman, Pisano.
Gold medalists in the shell; Official congratulates Pisano, Sergeant and Hoeschler; JGH, Blyberg and Angelini. Sweet men. Festive dinner afterwards.
Women's races, highlighting Columbia and Kristen.
Gold and Silver medalists in the No. 5 seat: Kristen and Jack. JGH, KBH and Janet Blyberg. Kristen and Jack. A walk in a Philly park--great azaleas!
Lovely May wedding in Franconia on the St Croix River. 5/22,89: JGH "Jake awakes from surgery but fails to repent! "Jack, Jake and Jimmy as Lucifer.
Fritz is 18 on May 24; Mark Liberman joins us. Peter Howard, Young Nam Kim, Paul Schoenfield practice at our home in preparation for "Cafe Music" recording. Miriam, Lynn and Paul Schoenfield. We host a Hoeschler family party for Heather's high school graduation. Snapping turtle lays her eggs on cabin lawn--I love this annual spectacle!
June 12, 1989: Fritz becomes an Eagle Scout. His project is a study of Gem Lake and restoration of the trail around it. Posters pay tribute to Fritz' life and Scout landmarks as well as his mastery of many areas.
Deanna Becker, KBH's former babysitter; her mother, Beth. David and Luther Ranheim. John Doyle. Gene Hoeschler comes to visit Jake since this will be his last summer, and stays at cabin with us before heading down river to La Crosse. Cat in bird's seat.
6/16/89, Father's Day weekend where we celebrate Jake: grandkids perform at the Coulee.
Father's Day Follies continue...we all are light and gay, but Jake clearly feels very sick.
Father's Day brunch at LaX Country Club. Classy group with spoons on their noses!
Cabin scenes with music and dancing and exhaustion!
July 4, 1989 weekend at the cabin with Doyles and Janice's family: the usual concert conducted in the usual way (LLH with a sparkler!).
Laura and John Doyle; LLH with Meagan; Sterling with catnip.
Cabin bird life.
July trip to LaX. Fritz waterskis and drives Jake. Jake, Tom Young and Janet.
Jake in July: with LLH; Janet and Jake with Jimmy's family. We drive home on the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi and stop at Laura Ingalls Wilder's Wayside with a reproduction of the family's "Little House in the Big Woods" in Pepin, WI.
LLH turns 45 on July 19; we got to dinner at the Lowell Inn in Stillwater with KBH, Manny, Janice and Meagan.
Cabin scenes at dinner at Fredrickson's in North Oaks.
Jake Hoeschler dies Saturday morning, August 12, 1989 in at Gundersen Lutheran Hospital--most family members there. On Sunday we bury his body (in an Elderlite casket--thrifty!) in a mausoleum at the family-owned Mormon Coulee Cemetery. A signpost at the turn to the cemetery. "One more Christmas picture opportunity," comments JGH.
Great service for Jake on Friday Aug1989 at St Joseph's Cathedral. Post-service lunch at LaX Country Club; Jake's band played there (as they had at the service) and we danced. Jack dances with Aunt Jewel Skinner, Kristen and his mother, Janet. LLH with Thelma Hunter. (Ironically, that night PBS broadcast the story of our commissioning music.)
Brilliant fall colors at the cabin. Anna Kruger (violist of the Lark Quartet) serenades us at Edgcumbe.
Bob & Gert Hoeschler visit us from San Francisco. Fritz and one with Zach Lovas.
SPA musicians play at World Trade Center. Fritz, the great communicator (!), surprises and delights us when he plays all over the stage. Cello in the orchestra; bass guitar in the jazz band. Then he accompanied the chorus on the piano!. Fritz bloomed under tutelage of great music teacher who coached and encouraged him.
Hildur Lovas. John Musser, LLH and Suzanne Joyce at a summer party (at Marilyn and Glen Nelsons' ?). The oil furnace fails and the removers, a rough group, cut it up and removed it. Mandu disappears immediately (for a month) and LLH believed these guys either frightened or abducted him (we eventually found our traumatized darling in November in the cabin woods).